Report Water Pollution
Please report surface water pollution to Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). Surface water is defined as rainwater that carries pollutants along streets and into Seattle's creeks, lakes, and Puget Sound. After a report of pollution to SPU, we will send a field inspector to investigate the matter.
Examples of pollutants to report include:
- leaking automobiles
- concrete dumped on the street
- paint poured down a drain
To make a report, use the pollution report form or call the Surface Water Pollution Report line at (206) 684-7587.
To report other problems
- To report chemical spills in City streets or storm drains for weekends or after business hours, call (206) 386-1800.
- To report a potential water leak on public or private property, call (206) 386-1800.
- To report surface flooding in a street, call (206) 386-1800.
- For extreme emergencies such as spills involving fires or explosion hazards, call 911.