South Transfer Station Phase 2
New site layout for South Transfer Station
Project description
Construction of the South Recycling Center has been postponed. A smaller project is moving forward to complete cleanup work at the old South Park Landfill.
SPU decided to postpone development plans and construction of the recycling facility to allow a more holistic evaluation of future needs and job opportunities that best support our zero-waste vision. A recycling facility may still be included in the future plans, but partial development of the site at this time could severely limit what we can do in the future.
The scope of the current smaller project (now called South Transfer Station 2) has been reduced to include the remediation of the South Park Landfill (required under a Consent Decree), minimal operational improvements, and a path along 5th Avenue S to mitigate the street vacation at the South Transfer Station.
Future site development plans will happen over the next 5 years in a parallel process.
130 S Kenyon St, between S Kenyon St, 2nd Ave S, and 5th Ave S. See map above.
What's happening now?
We are working to finalize the scope, configuration, and new budget for the current project. The reduced project will be designed during 2021-2022 and constructed in 2023.
Other project details
2021 – 2022
- Design and permitting
- Construction