Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Amelanchier x grandiflora‘

Under Power Lines:
Yes—this tree is approved for planting under power lines.

Street Tree Planting:
Yes—minimum planting strip width of 4 feet. If planting a street tree, you must be approved for a permit.

A small deciduous tree that blooms in April and produces small edible fruits in early summer. The tree’s small stature makes it an excellent choice for locations under power lines and along the street. Tree has brilliant red fall color and attractive bark.

Mature Height:
20-25 feet

Mature Spread:
20 feet

Deciduous tree with finely-toothed dark green leaves from late spring through summer with brilliant red fall color.

Small white, showy flowers in spring.

Small edible berries in early summer, resembling blueberries in taste. Fruit can be used in pies and jams.

Cultural Notes:
Works well average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. This tree commonly produces root suckers, which should be removed.

Potential Problems:
This particular cultivar is known to have excellent disease resistance, however is susceptible to a variety of fungal disease including rust, leaf blight, fire blight and powdery mildew.

Minimum Planting Distances:

  • 3 ½ feet back from the face of the curb
  • 5 feet from underground utility lines
  • 10 feet from power poles
  • 7 ½ feet from driveways (10 feet recommended)
  • 20 feet from street lights and other existing trees
  • 30 feet from street intersections

Additional Resources