Safer Vehicles and Post-Crash Care
Safer Vehicles
The size and weight of vehicles and availability of vehicle safety systems can play a major role in the likelihood and severity of crashes.
Key Strategies
- Pilot new safety features on City fleet vehicles including:
- Road user detection
- Automatic emergency braking
- Truck sideguards
- Intelligent speed assistance
- Explore opportunities to influence federal and state regulations around vehicle size, weight, and safety standards.
- Explore opportunities to influence regulations for autonomous vehicles including vehicle test permitting.
Post-Crash Care
Post-crash care focuses on improving the survivability of people involved in crashes with timely access to medical services and effective traffic incident management and data collection.
Key Strategies
- Implement signal technology upgrades for emergency vehicles to improve response time.
- Partner with Seattle Police Department and Seattle Fire Department to improve data collection at crash sites and around emergency vehicle response times.