Vision Zero Projects
Redesigning our streets to make them safer for all travelers is at the heart of Vision Zero. We know that changing the way our roads are designed can encourage and influence better behavior, so we’re working to address our high crash corridors, identifying streets for protected bike lanes, improving walking and biking routes so kids can safely get to school, and building out a network of calmer residential streets.
Aurora Ave Project
The Aurora Ave N/State Route 99 corridor is one of the highest traffic volume streets within the Seattle city limits.
N 130TH St Vision Zero Safety Corridor
N 130th St corridor will undergo changes to improve access and safety for all users.
Highland Park Way SW Connection Project
Highland Park Way SW and SW Holden St Intersection project
S Henderson St School Safety Project
Connecting people to schools, parks, transit, and businesses on S Henderson St
Highland Park Way SW and SW Holden St Safety Project
Enhancing safety, including a permanent signal at Highland Park Way SW and SW Holden St
Rainier Ave S Corridor Improvements
SDOT is designing options to help reduce crashes and improve bus reliability on Rainier Ave South
23rd Ave E Vision Zero Project
Enhancing safety & mobility on 23rd/24th Ave E between E John St and E Roanoke St
SODO Vision Zero Projects
Vision Zero projects that serve the SODO Neighborhood.
Protected Bike Lanes
A bikeable city is one where people ride bicycles because it is a convenient, fun, safe, and healthy choice
Hardened Centerlines
Be on the lookout for this simple and effective treatment to improve safety to Rainier Ave S!
Greenways Program
Neighborhood greenways are safer, calm residential streets with low car volumes and speeds
Safe Routes to School
SDOT wants to make it safer and easier for kids to walk and bike to school