Safe Routes to School Student Travel Tally

Updated October 2024

About 28% of our K-5 students are walking or biking to school! 

To better support students in walking and biking to school and track annual progress, we work with Seattle Public Schools to conduct an annual travel tally in all elementary and K-8 schools during the first week of June.  

This collaboration has been ongoing on and off since 2005.  

In June 2024, we had a record number of schools participate with 55 elementary schools surveying students on how they get to and from school.  

On average, elementary schools across the city recorded an active transportation rate of 28%.

2024 Mode choice for K-5 students

A chart showing modes of transportation. The vertical axis is labeled 0% to 50% and the horizontal axis is labeled with the modes of transportation. From left to right, the chart descends. From left to right the bars descend. The first bar shows car at 48%, second bar shows walk at 24%, then school bus at 20%, carpool at 4%, bike at 3%, transit at 1%, and scootering,etc. at 1%.

See the results of the annual student travel surveys:

2024 Student Travel Tally Results


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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