S Cloverdale Pedestrian Enhancement Project
Updated: August 19, 2020
What's happening now?
The sidewalk on the south side of S Cloverdale St under SR-99 supports a high volume of pedestrian traffic, and people walking to Concord Elementary School and the South Park Library. In 2018, a Your Voice Your Choice (YVYC) grant was awarded with the intent of enhancing pedestrian comfortability, safety, and accessibility. The project was allocated an additional $500,000 in construction funds.
S Cloverdale St is an essential East-West connection for pedestrians, cyclists, transit, freight, accessing State Route 99, and the Seattle Fire Department. It is a major neighborhood connector for the South Park community which is bisected by State Route 99. It links residents and visitors to important community destinations, including the library, community center, and schools.
With YVYC funding, Seattle Department of Transportation is developing design concepts for the block of S Cloverdale between 7th Ave S and 8th Ave S, in response to community identified priorities, including:
- Concerns about cut through and speeding traffic
- Lack of separation or buffer between pedestrians and traffic
- Need for safer pedestrian crossings
- Need for wider walking areas
- Interest in public art to communicate a sense of place
- Interest in supporting the use and activation of River City Skate Park
- Need for better pedestrian oriented lighting under the freeway and along the street
Community Engagement
The project team shared initial ideas at the South Park Street Projects Open House on February 19, 2019 hosted by the Department of Neighborhoods, Seattle Neighborhood Group, and Duwamish Valley Safe Streets. The community feedback provided input for the early design concepts. The project team then shared these concepts to the Duwamish Valley Safe Streets on May 19, 2020. Following that meeting, we shared design concepts with a wider group of community members through a meeting hosted by Duwamish Valley Safe Streets on June 3.
Given the impacts from Covid-19, we are currently drafting a comprehensive community engagement strategy to ensure we can engage with the widest cross-section of the community through creative channels and through existing community networks.
Project Map
We are looking at several initial scope elements, including sidewalk widening, medians, curb bulbs, and landscaping.
This is our anticipated project timeline for the S Cloverdale St pedestrian enhancement project.
Fall, 2020 - Winter, 2021
Complete design development.
Begin construction.
Your Voice Your Choice
Project Materials
- May 19 Duwamish Valley Safe Streets Presentation
- June 3 Online Community Meeting Presentation (English) (Español)