Pinehurst Way NE and NE 117th St Intersection And Sidewalk Project

Updated December 2, 2024

Major work is complete and the new signal crossing Pinehurst Way NE is activated!

NE 117th and Pinehurst intersection with new crosswalks and signals

Project Overview

We worked with the Pinehurst neighborhood to redesign the intersection at Pinehurst Way NE and NE 117th St. As a project identified by the community through the Your Voice, Your Choice program, our goals were to enhance safety and mobility while improving access to Hazel Wolf K-8 School. 

Pinehurst Way NE and NE 117th St contains two north-south arterials (Pinehurst Way NE and 15th Ave NE) crossed by an east-west non-arterial (NE 117th St), creating a complex junction of three intersections. The intersection had multiple visibility, channelization, and crossing challenges for people walking, biking, and driving. NE 117th St is also a future neighborhood greenway route that will connect people walking and biking between Olympic Hills, Pinehurst, Maple Leaf, Hazel Wolf K-8 nearby, and the Northgate Link light rail station. 

In addition to the intersection reconfiguration, worked to further improve walking routes to Hazel Wolf K-8 with a new sidewalk on the south side of NE 117th St between Roosevelt Way NE and 12th Ave NE.

Project Background

Upgrades to Pinehurst Way NE and NE 117th St were first proposed by Hazel Wolf K-8 School and neighborhood residents. Following a successful Your Voice, Your Choice application to design improvements at this intersection, we studied traffic data at this location, which showed a pattern of collisions that could be resolved through a redesign of the intersection. We prioritize these "high collision locations" and put resources toward improving them as soon as possible. Improvements for all modes at this intersection provides a more convenient walking and biking connection to Hazel Wolf K-8 and a connection along the future Pinehurst Neighborhood Greenway.

Project Elements

  • Install new traffic signals to improve pedestrian and bike crossings and improve traffic flow on Pinehurst Way NE and 15th Ave NE
  • Re-configure intersection layout, install marked crosswalks and medians to provide safe and comfortable crossings
  • Restrict turning movements to reduce congestion and potential conflicts
  • Create a connection for the future Pinehurst Neighborhood Greenway and the future Northgate Link light rail station
  • Construct a new block of sidewalk on the south side of NE 117th St between Roosevelt Way NE and 12th Ave NE
  • Reduce the number of collisions
  • Increase safety and predictability for all travelers

Project Area

NE 117th and Pinehurst intersection existing condition
Current condition at intersection of NE 117th St and Pinehurst Way NE.

Proposed improvements at NE 117th St and Pinehurst Way
Proposed improvements at intersection of NE 117th St and Pinehurst Way NE. 

What to Expect During Construction

We will send regular email updates with information on upcoming construction activities. We encourage you to sign up for email updates  to stay informed on project activities.  
Typical construction hours are weekdays from 7 AM - 5 PM, with occasional nighttime and weekend work.   

During construction, people can expect:  

  • Temporary lane and street closures for people driving. Detours will be provided and signed. 
  • Temporary sidewalk and crossing closures for people walking and rolling. Detours will be provided and signed. 
  • Temporary local access only restrictions in some areas
  • Disruptions to on-street parking
  • Noise, dust, and vibrations during work hours
  • Construction equipment staged in the work area
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times to businesses and residences 


Construction will begin as soon as spring 2024 and last for approximately 5-6 months. 


This project is funded by a WSDOT Safe Routes to School grant and the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015. Learn more about the levy at


Drop-In Session Boards (May 2019)

Context Map

Collisions Map

Proposed Changes

Proposed Turn Restrictions

Project Factsheet (February 2019)

Amharic (አማርኛ)  

Spanish (Español)

Chinese (中文)

Pinehurst Safe Routes to School Presentation to Pinehurst Community Council (March 2018)

Your Voice, Your Choice Mailer (January 2018)


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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