Project and Construction Coordination Map

SDOT's interactive Project and Construction Coordination Map displays up-to-date information on current and future construction projects in the right of way, as well as other events that may impact traffic. This tool displays data from SDOT's Coordinate (formerly dotMaps) application, which replaced the Planning, Analysis, and Coordination Tool (PACT).

Using the Project and Construction Coordination Map, you can visualize aggregate information on public and private projects scheduled to take place in the right of way, as well as scheduled one-time events such as film shoots, marches, and sporting events. This tool is intended to provide the public with general information about right-of-way impacts, allow project managers to save time and money on projects through coordination, and preserve public assets by optimizing project scheduling.

Please note, all agencies performing work in the ROW that is planned at least six months in advance by law (SMC 15.32.050) must enter their project information into Coordinate.

SDOT may deny permits for projects not entered into this system, unless the exception criteria defined in SMC 15.32.050 are met.

View the SDOT Project and Construction Coordination Map

View the Project and Construction Coordination Map full screen here.

How to Access the SDOT Coordinate Application

Authorized agencies can access the SDOT Coordinate application at:

To enter projects, edit projects, or resolve conflicts, you will need to obtain a login from your agency's Coordinate lead. Once logged in, explore the filter functions in the left navigation bar to find specific project types, dates of work, and more. Users can only enter and edit projects for their agency.

Contact Construction Coordination and Mobility Management if you are unsure of who at your agency is serving as the Coordinate lead. If your agency is not currently participating, please contact Craig Moore to get involved.

Ethan Jackson is available to answer Coordinate and Project and Construction Coordination Map inquiries at or (206) 639-0428.


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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