Kenyon Greenway

Construction is complete for the S Kenyon St Neighborhood Greenway!

We installed speed cushions and street markings along S Kenyon St, between 39th Ave S and 52nd Ave S. We also connected the previously built crossings of busy streets by painting shared lane pavement markings, or "sharrows," on the greenway and installing wayfinding signs to help people walking, rolling, and biking find their way.

Project Background

The Kenyon Greenway stretches from Beacon Ave S to Seward Park Ave S. It connects to the Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway, a 6-mile route from Mount Baker to Rainier Beach. The Kenyon Greenway also links up with existing walking and biking routes, including those on Beacon Ave S, the Chief Sealth Trail, Lake Washington Loop, and the new neighborhood greenway on 46th Ave S.

Neighborhood greenways are safer, calmer residential streets for you, your family, and neighbors that make people walking and biking the priority. We add signs and pavement markings to help people find their way and make it easier to cross busy streets with curb ramps, crosswalks, and signal changes.

Kenyon greenway area

Project improvements

In 2019, we started working on improvements to the greenway, including adding crosswalks, curb ramps, speed humps, stop signs, and repairing pavement. These improvements go a long way to make walking and biking around the neighborhood easier. (See project map for locations of crossing improvements.)  

Project elements:

  • speed cushions
  • Shared lane pavement markings, or "sharrows"
  • Speed humps (updating or removing)
  • Wayfinding signs
  • At Martin Luther King Jr Way S and S Kenyon St, updated crosswalks, extended crossing time, installed push buttons, and added sidewalk extensions, bike lanes approaching the intersection, and curb ramps
  • At Renton Ave S and S Kenyon St, updated crosswalks, extended crossing time, restricted left turns and through traffic off S Kenyon St, sidewalk extensions, bike lanes approaching lanes approaching the intersection, and curb ramps
  • Stop signs at intersecting streets
  • Sidewalk repairs

Project map

Kenyon Greenway project map


  • Spring/Summer 2017: Filling potholes and patching streets to prepare for microsurfacing
  • Mid-May to mid-July 2017: Tree pruning along whole neighborhood greenway route 
  • Mid-August 2017: Microsurfacing work
  • Late summer 2017 to summer 2018: Neighborhood greenway construction - phase 1
  • 2018-2019: Installing curb ramps along microsurfaced streets and phase 2 of greenway construction
  • 2020: Installing speed cushions along greenway, and updating or removing speed humps
  • 2021: Painting shared lane pavement markings, or "sharrows" and installing wayfinding signs to help people walking, rolling, and biking find their way


This project was funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015. Learn more about the levy.



Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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