East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project

Updated January 15, 2025

What's Happening Now?

Construction of the North Segment of the East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project began in March 2024 and is anticipated to last 26 months, ending in spring 2026. 

Full closure on Thursday, January 16

On Thursday, January 16, we will fully close East Marginal Way S between S Spokane St and S Hanford St for lane channelization and marking work. Access to and from East Marginal Way S from S Horton St and S Hinds St will also be closed. The closure will be in effect from 7 AM to 5 PM.

Routes for people, walking, rolling, and biking will be maintained on E Marginal Way S but may have reroutes to avoid active construction. Please be alert for signage and flaggers directing traffic when traveling through the area.

This work is weather dependent and may be rescheduled due to rain or freezing temperatures.

Walking, biking, and rolling on E Marginal Way S

People walking and biking on E Marginal Way S are routed onto the new bike path from just north of S Spokane St to S Horton St. North of S Horton St, people walking and biking are detoured onto our new concrete pavement on the west side of the roadway. 

Our goal is to minimize disruptions and maintain safe access for people walking, biking, and rolling along the corridor during construction. Construction is dynamic. Our crews prioritize safety while planning and managing route changes through the work zone. When routes change, our team puts up signs, updates traffic stencils, and clears debris to support safety and reliability for people traveling. Do your part to keep yourself and others safe while travelling through the corridor by slowing down, following directions from flaggers, and watching for equipment and signs.

General purpose traffic

E Marginal Way S is closed to general purpose traffic between S Spokane St and S Atlantic St for the duration of construction. General purpose traffic is detoured onto 1st Ave S or nearby streets. See detour map below.

Access is maintained for people walking, biking, and rolling along E Marginal Way S using different routes to avoid active construction areas.

Port of Seattle and freight traffic

Northbound access for Port of Seattle and freight traffic is maintained between S Spokane St and S Massachusetts St, and two-way local access is maintained between the Jack Perry Memorial Park driveway and S Atlantic St. Port of Seattle and freight traffic should expect lane closures, detours, and flagging on S Hinds St, S Horton St, and S Hanford St for 4 to 8 weeks. We will avoid having impacts at the S Horton St and S Hanford St intersections at the same time and local access will be maintained.

Detour for East Marginal Way

Help Shape Public Art Along E Marginal Way S!

In partnership with the Office of Arts & Culture, we commissioned artist Will Schlough to create public art along the East Marginal Way S Corridor. This new Public Art project aims to involve and reflect as many users –people biking, walking, rolling, driving – as possible. As part of the design development process, artist Will Schlough is seeking community input. There are several ways to get involved:


As Seattle grows, improvements to freight mobility are essential to promote regional and international economic competitiveness. East Marginal Way S is a major freight corridor that provides access to the Port of Seattle terminals, rail yards, industrial businesses, and between local Manufacturing and Industrial Centers (MIC's). It is also a designated Heavy Haul Route, critical last-mile connector, and vital route for over-sized trucks or those carrying flammable cargo. The corridor also provides a major connection for people who bike between the West Seattle Bridge Trail, downtown, and the SODO neighborhood.

This project extends along East Marginal Way S from S Atlantic St to 1st Ave S, and is divided in three segments – North, Central, and South. Each segment is moving at its own schedule based on funding available for design and construction. Building this project in segments allows us to deliver improvements with existing funding more quickly while we secure design and construction for funding for other segments.

This project will:

  • Improve safety and reliability in the movement of people and goods
  • Support freight loads by rebuilding East Marginal Way S to heavy haul standards
  • Promote efficiency through signal modifications, improving wayfinding and lighting, and intelligent transportation systems
  • Improve safety by separating people walking, biking, and rolling from vehicle traffic  

The North Segment (S Atlantic St to S Spokane St) is the first to complete design and move into construction. Check out the Project Segments section below to learn more about each segment’s planned improvements and design/funding status.


  • Improved safety - Improved access and connections for all corridor users. Separated facilities for people walking, biking, and rolling to reduce potential conflicts.
  • Better freight mobility - Support the economic vitality of our region by making it easier for freight to access the Port of Seattle and local industrial businesses.
  • More efficient connections - New and updated facilities for people walking and biking will improve access for transit. Signal modifications and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) will optimize travel for all corridor users.

Project segments

  • North Segment - S Atlantic St to S Spokane St
  • Central Segment - S Spokane St to Diagonal Ave S
  • South Segment - Duwamish Ave S to 1st Ave S

Select each segment below for more information about the design and schedule.

Map showing 3 segments of the project

East Marginal Way Segments

North Segment

The North Segment runs from S Atlantic St to S Spokane St. 

Graphic showing the location of the north segment

North Segment improvements will reduce conflicts between people biking and trucks accessing Port of Seattle driveways and increase safety and efficiency through the corridor. Design improvements include:

  • Reconstructing the East Marginal Way S roadway to heavy haul standards from approximately S Massachusetts St to S Spokane St

  • Protected bike lane separating non-motorized modes from freight traffic on the east side of East Marginal Way S between S Atlantic St and S Spokane St

  • Multi-use path on the west side of the street between S Horton St and S Spokane St

  • New signalized diagonal bicycle crossing at East Marginal Way S and S Horton St

  • Rebuilding the intersection and existing traffic signal at East Marginal Way S and S Hanford St

  • Revised curb radius with a truck apron at S Spokane St

  • New bike crossing with rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) at East Marginal Way S and S Massachusetts St

  • Replacing the existing water main in areas where the roadway will be reconstructed north of S Horton St

  • Rebuilding the sidewalk on the west side of East Marginal Way S adjacent to the roadway reconstruction north of S Horton St

  • Redesigning driveway at Terminal 25 South to improve visibility for people biking and driving

  • Dynamic message sign at S Alaska St and East Marginal Way S

  • Weigh-in-Motion system to help SDOT better understand wear and tear on our roadways and replace current spot-check enforcement system

Planned improvements: S Atlantic St to S Massachusetts St

Map of planned improvements between S Atlantic St and S Massachusetts St

Planned improvements: S Hanford St to S Horton St

Map of the planned improvements on East Marginal Way between S Hanford Street and S Horton Street

Planned improvements: S Horton St to S Spokane St

Map of planned improvements between S Horton St and S Spokane St

Central Segment

The Central Segment runs from S Spokane St and Diagonal Ave S. We have completed 90% design and the Central Segment is on pause while we pursue additional design and construction funding opportunities.

This project aims to upgrade the Heavy Haul network, provide a clear route through the confusing area between S Spokane St and Diagonal Ave S, and construct a shared use trail to separate people walking and biking from motor vehicle traffic.

Freight improvements proposed in the Central Segment include:

  • Reconstructing the surface street of East Marginal Way S to heavy haul standards between S Spokane St and Duwamish Ave S
  • Improving wayfinding and lighting
  • Installing a Weigh-in-Motion system for northbound traffic at Duwamish Ave S
  • Realigning the southwest corner of Diagonal Ave S and East Marginal Way S to improve the turning radius for eastbound trucks making a right turn
  • Adding a new shared-use path for people walking, biking, and rolling starting south of S Spokane St and continuing to Diagonal Ave S. Due to space constraints, the shared-use path will begin on the east side of the street and then transition to the west side of the street with a marked crosswalk.


Graphic of the Central Segment

South Segment

The South Segment runs from Duwamish Ave S to 1st Ave S, and is unfunded for both design and construction. We completed a preliminary design and will continue to pursue funding opportunities to advance the South Segment.

The South Segment is part of State Route 99. There are no existing bike facilities or sidewalks on the west side of the street and sections of missing sidewalks on the east side of the street.

In March 2018, we completed a preliminary design for the South Segment that included:

  • Pedestrian improvements at each existing traffic signal
  • Constructing missing sidewalks on the east side of the street
  • Bus stop improvements
  • Signal enhancements where appropriate to improve predictability and safety for people walking and biking
  • Improve pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity to the 1st Ave S bridge

East Marginal Map South Segment
Click to enlarge



Funding to evaluate alternatives and complete early design was provided by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015. Learn more about the levy at Levy to Move Seattle website. In 2019, we secured grants from Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and Federal Highways (FHWA) to complete full design for the north and central segments. In November 2021, we secured remaining grant funding to construct the North Segment of the project. North Segment funding partners include:

  • Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB)
  • Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)
  • Port of Seattle
  • Federal Highways (FHWA) funds from PSRC and RAISE

We continue to look for funds for construction of the Central Segment and to advance the South Segment design. 

Segment Design Funding Construction Funding
North Yes Yes
Central Yes No
South No No


This project began in 2015 and has advanced project planning and design through consistent engagement with community members, businesses, partner agencies, and community advocacy groups. 

Planning phase (2015 - 2016)

  • Data collection and preliminary traffic analysis

  • Early design workshops

  • Community engagement through online open house and survey

Design phase (2017 - 2023)

  • North Segment - completed design in summer 2022

  • Central Segment - reached 90% design in summer 2023

  • South Segment - preliminary design completed

Construction of North Segment (2024- 2026)

  • Construction began in March 2024 

  • Expect to complete construction in 2026

Project Materials

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Greg Spotts, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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