How Much Does it Cost?

Vehicle and Guest Permits

Most RPZ permits are on a two-year cycle, with all permits in a zone expiring at the same time. Please see the Permit Expiration Dates page to see when your zone permits will expire.

Fees are increasing in 2023. Starting January 1, 2023, the fee for an RPZ permit will be $95 per vehicle. Decals must remain affixed to the vehicle to which they have been assigned, and cannot be transferred between vehicles. (Please also note that vehicle decal permits are being transitioned to a digital format. Please visit RPZ Virtual Permits for more information on when your zone will transition.)

Guest permits (hangtags), which can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle, will also cost $95*.

*The Guest Permit prices listed below are the prices of a Guest Permit when purchased in combination with an RPZ permit. When purchasing a Guest Permit ONLY, the price is the same as the price listed in the “1st Vehicle at address” column. 

Some zones are partially or fully subsidized by nearby major institutions to address the impacts of parking by their employees and/or students. For specific fees by zone and area, please see below.  

Rates by zone

Zone Area (if applicable) 1st Vehicle at address 2nd Vehicle at address 3rd or more Guest Permit
1 Area 1 $0  $47  $95  $95 
Area 2 $24  $95  $95  $95 
2 Areas 1 – 3 $0  $0  $0  $0 
Area 4 $95  $95  $95  $95 
3 $95  $95  $95  $95 
4 Area 1 $0  $0  $0  $0 
Area 2 $95  $95  $95  $95 
6 $47  $71  $95  $95 
7 Areas 1 - 4 $0  $0  $0  $0 
Area 5 $95  $95  $95  $95 
8 Area 1 $95  $95  $95  $95 
Area 2 $24  $95  $95  $95 
9 $95  $95  $95  $95 
10 Area 1 $57  $57  $57  $95 
Area 2 $43  $43  $43  $95 
11 $0  $0  $0  $0 
12 $95  $95  $95  $95 
13 $95  $95  $95  $95 
14 $95  $95  $95  $95 
15 $95  $95  $95  $95 
16 $95  $95  $95  $95 
17 $95  $95  $95  $95 
18 $0  $0  $0  $0 
19 Area 1 $24  $95  $95  $95 
Area 2 $95  $95  $95  $95 
20 Area 1 $24  $95  $95  $95 
Area 2 $0  $47  $95  $95 
21 $95  $95  $95  $95 
22 $95  $95  $95  $95 
23 $95  $95  $95  $95 
24 $95  $95  $95  $95 
25 $95  $95  $95  $95 
26 $95  $95  $95  $95 
27 $95  $95  $95  $95 
28 $95  $95  $95  $95 
29 $95  $95  $95  $95 
30 $95  $95  $95  $95 
31 $95  $95  $95  $95 
32 $95  $95  $95  $95 
33 $95  $95  $95  $95 
34 $95  $95  $95  $95 
35 $95  $95  $95  $95 
A $0  $0  $0  $95 
B $0  $0  $0  $95 


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is on a mission to deliver a transportation system that provides safe and affordable access to places and opportunities for everyone as we work to achieve our vision of Seattle as a thriving, equitable community powered by dependable transportation.