All Special events should have an emergency safety plan that include designating a 911 caller(s) and have the below information easily available for an emergency response:
- Entrance/Exit points and addresses
- Description of potential emergencies
- Event Lead(s) contact information
Some events will require Medical Support. To help you determine if medical services are necessary for your event, please consider the below questions:
- Will your event have more than 5,000 attendees?
- If it is held during night-time hours, is there good or limited lighting in the area? Do you anticipate hot weather, cold weather or wet conditions?
- What is the length of the event? Does your event run for a few hours, a full day or is it a multi-day event?
- Have you encountered any first aid related problems with the event in the past?
- If this is an athletic or sporting event, how strenuous is the activity?
- Are there any other high risk factors that need to be considered? (i.e. crowded spaces, high-risk behavior, multiple locations/ alcohol and etc.)
After considering the above questions, you will need to determine the appropriate level of medical services for your event.
- Basic First Aid Kit (Event provided)
- Aid Stations
- Roving SFD Responders
- Bike SFD Responders
- Gator SFD Responders
- Ambulances
For other information please call the Seattle Fire Medic One office at 206-386-1483