Register / Renew My Property
Before you can register your property, you must first set-up a user account. You will then receive an email with a link to activate your account.
If you need help signing up for a new account, visit the How to Create a New Account page. If you are a new owner, you can transfer an existing registration to claim it or renew it by using these How to Transfer Ownership of a Registered Rental Property instructions.
Before starting, be sure you have:
- Contact information for: (These can be the same person)
- The person filling out the registration (Applicant)
- The person / organization that owns the property (Owner)
- The person / organization who renters in the property should contact for repairs (Tenant contact for repairs)
- The unit number for each rental unit
- A credit card
To renew, you will only need to verify or update the contact and property information during the process.
Sign In or Create a New User Account
More Instructions
If you need help registering online with RRIO, use these Property Registration instructions.
If you need help renewing your registration online with RRIO, use these Renew a Property RRIO Registration instructions.
If you are having trouble with your browser, refer to these Browser Compatibility instructions.
Register by Mail
If you prefer, you may mail in a paper application form and pay by check.