Living Building Pilot Program Updates - What & Why
What Is Happening Now?
SDCI is proposing to amend the Land Use Code (Title 23) in subsection 23.49.156.A. The proposed legislation clarifies that Living Building Pilot Program projects can use height bonuses to exceed 145 feet in height regardless of lot size in the Downtown Mixed Residential zone.
Environmental review (SEPA) for the code amendment is now available for public comment. The comment period closes on July 22, 2024. Please see the Project Documents page for more information.
City Council will hold a hearing on the proposed amendment for adoption in the 3rd quarter of 2024.
For questions or comments, contact David VanSkike, SDCI Land Use Policy and Technical Lead, at
Project Benefits
Clarify bonuses for the Living Building Pilot Program
Increase housing capacity
The End Result
The legislation will go into effect in the 3rd quarter of 2024.