Photography Permits

**Photography applications must be submitted between 3 and 14 days in advance.**

Seattle Parks and Recreation maintains over 485 parks. A permit is required for professional and commercial photography occurring on City of Seattle Parks and Recreation property. This allows for a better overall experience for park users and avoids unintentional conflicts with events, construction and other uses that might be unknown to a photographer or videographer.

Professional Use of Photographs

If you are a hired photographer, or you are planning on hiring a photographer, or you plan to sell or profit off of any photos that you take on Park property, you will need to acquire a photography permit from the event scheduling office at (206) 684-4080 x 2. 

Complete online application for a photo permit

Download the photography application

Commercial Use of Photographs

If you are planning to use the photos for any commercial purpose including but not limited to: brochures, portfolios, TV commercials, magazines, newspapers, websites, Social media business pages, etc. you will need to acquire a permit you will need to contact:

Office of Film + Music
(206) 233-3948

Personal Use of Photographs

In general, if you are taking photos or videos for personal use than a permit is not required, however if your personal use will include large groups of people, significant set up or have the potential to impact a park for other users you would need a photography permit and possibly a park use permit. Please contact the event scheduling office at (206) 684-4080 x 2 for more information.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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