Outdoor Pickleball Court Development

Updated: December 23, 2024

Winter 2025

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday, November 21 for the second public meeting ont the Magnuson Pickleball Court Development. If you were unable to attend the meeting or have additional questions, please view the recorded presentation below.

The project site is at the Children’s Hospital park-and-pool lot located to the north of NE 65th Street. The budget for this project allows for the construction of 8-14 courts with lighting by the end of 2026. A park master plan will be amended to allow for at least 16-18 courts with an ultimate buildout of 25 lighted courts, however, no SPR funding is allocated at this time for additional courts, so it is anticipated that advocacy groups will seek grants and/or donations will be needed. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) will assess the impacts between three alternatives: no build; 14-18 courts, and a full build-out of 25 courts.

Citywide Outdoor Pickleball Planning 2021-2023 

This project began in the fall of 2023 with the intent to conduct a detailed analysis of five court locations identified in the 2021-2022 study. An advisory committee was formed including tennis and pickleball players and advocates. This committee would review the consultant team’s recommendations along with SPR staff for selecting one site in north Seattle and another site in south Seattle. The project scope called for holding two public meetings, one north and one south. These meetings would introduce the public to the project and collect their comments and concerns for consideration.

In October 2023, after a more detailed review of the sites along with input from the advisory committee, SPR determined to continue work on the two best options: a facility at Warren G. Magnuson Park; and a facility at Georgetown Playfield. It was also determined that public engagement would be held after conceptual designs were completed for Magnuson Park.

2023 Outdoor Pickleball Courts Planning

This project began in the fall of 2023 with the intent to conduct detailed analysis of the five courts identified in the 2021-2022 study. An advisory committee was formed including tennis and pickleball players and advocates. This committee would review the consultant team’s recommendations along with SPR staff for selecting one site in north Seattle and another site in south Seattle. The project scope called for holding two public meetings, one north and one south. These meetings would introduce the public to the project and collect their comments and concerns for consideration.

In October 2023, after a more detailed review of the sites along with input from the advisory committee, SPR determined to continue work on the two best options: a facility at Warren G. Magnuson Park and a facility Georgetown Playfield. It was also determined that public engagement would be held after conceptual designs were completed for Magnuson Park.

Magnuson Park Conceptual Designs & Next Steps

Funding for this project comes from the 2023-2028 Seattle Park District Financial Plan. $2.1 million is allocated for the planning, design and construction of a dedicated pickleball court facility by 2026. This total also covers SPR staff time, soft costs such as sales tax, permitting fees, consultant design fees, etc. Approximately $300,000 will be used to develop a schematic design for a dedicated pickleball facility at Georgetown Playfield.

Concept design alternatives for the pickleball court facility represent a full buildout for environmental analysis and provide pickleball advocates information for seeking future funding through grants or donations. Construction phasing for the full buildout concept has not yet been determined. After a preferred conceptual design is selected, construction phasing may be determined relative to constructability. As with the sports fields in the existing Master Plan it is unknown at this time, if or when funding would be obtained for more detailed design and construction.

Background: Magnuson Park Planning for Recreational Uses

In the late 1990s, SPR began planning for a sports field and a constructed wetlands complex in areas generally east of Sportsfield Drive to Lake Shore Drive. The site of the proposed pickleball facility was initially developed by the Navy for a hangar with aircraft parking. After the naval airfield was closed and the tarmac and runways were demolished, this area was redeveloped for a Post Exchange (PX), basically a department store for military families. After the city obtained the site, planning was completed to convert it to recreational use. This was guided by the Sand Point Physical Development Management Plan (PDMP 1997); and City Council Resolutions 30063 (November 1999) and 30293 (April 2001) which guided a concept design for sports fields and courts, wetland/habitat components and drainage. Between 2000 and 2006, planning work was completed to design a wetland/habitat complex and sports fields/courts project. This included the preparation of an environmental impact statement and a council-approved master plan for Magnuson Park.

In 2001 through 2002, SPR public meetings including a wetland design forum, workshops and athletic field lighting education forums and displays. In January 2002, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was distributed which analyzed the potential impacts of several alternatives, including sports fields and courts, a wetland/habitat complex and integrated site drainage facilities. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was issued on July 12, 2002.  

A citizens group appealed the adequacy of the FEIS, and the Office of the Hearing Examiner conducted an appeal hearing with a decision issued in late February 2003. SPR was required to prepare a Supplemental EIS (SEIS) on the sole issue of the impacts of sports field noise on wildlife. A Final SEIS published in May 2003. An Addendum to the FEIS was published in December 2003 which modified selected design and operational characteristics for the sports field component of the project with the intent of reducing potential impacts associated with sports field lighting and noise. 

Magnuson Park Master Plan

In 2004, the City Council stipulated that no more than $100,000 of the appropriated capital improvement program could be used to fund either the Athletic Field Renovation Project or the Wetlands Development Project until authorized by future ordinance. The City Council held a public hearing on the Master Plan in April 2004, and approved full funding to construct wetlands and upland habitat, demolish a hangar (Building 193) and adjacent parking lots (Ordinance 121502 - 2004).

The Master Plan approved by Ordinance 121502 was amended in 2006 to reflect design revisions based on funding; expressed support for construction of phase 2 wetlands, natural areas and athletic fields; and reaffirmed conditions in Ordinance 121502 for the use of external funding for wetlands, natural areas and athletic fields (Ordinance 122318 - 2006).

Magnuson Park Master Plan (Ordinance 122318 – 2006)

Magnuson Planning Appendix Map

Conceptual Designs

The EIS for the wetlands/habitat complex and sports courts/fields project analyzed a full buildout alternative which was incorporated into the Magnuson Park Master Plan. Various phases were included in the Master Plan based on future demand for sports fields and available funding (city, grants, others). Of the five athletic fields in the Master Plan, three were constructed; and of four ballfields two were constructed.

The following features were included in the Master Plan but not funded or constructed:

  • Three parking lots to replace parking displaced by a large ballfield (proposed pickleball courts site);
  • Five sports courts adjacent to Sportsfield Drive and housing areas to the west;
  • Two restrooms and/or concession building at the south end of the sports fields; and a pavilion near the wetlands/natural areas for environmental education. 

Concept 3

Magnuson Pickleball Courts Conceptual Design

Concept 4

Magnuson Pickleball Courts Conceptual Design

Concept 5

Magnuson Pickleball Courts Conceptual Design

Concept 6

Magnuson Pickleball Courts Conceptual Design


8-14 Court Schematic Design: August 2024 – January 2027
Design: August 2024 – January 2025 
Permitting & Bidding:
- 2024-2026
Construction: - January 2026 – January 2027

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Process, Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Preparation

  • December 2024 - May 2025

Warren G Magnuson Park Master Plan Amendment

  • May 2025 - September 2025

The 2021-2022 Outdoor Pickleball Study may be downloaded via this link.

Community Participation

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday, November 21 for the second public meeting ont the Magnuson Pickleball Court Development. 

Public Meeting - 11/21/24 

Public Meeting - 9/5/24

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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