Denny Blaine Park long-term Plan

Updated: December 17, 2024

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) is excited to announce the Access Improvements and Plan for Denny Blaine Park was selected as one of 15 Park CommUNITY Fund Projects in November 2024.   

Early 2025

Seattle Parks and Recreation is currently getting the project set up to begin the site analysis and feasibility portion of our work. This includes the following: 

  • Drafting a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for landscape architecture and planning services
  • Conducting a land survey  
  • Planning our engagement timeline and methodology 

Stay tuned for more information about our first engagement opportunity to provide your input on the long-term plan for the park. We anticipate this meeting will be in Spring 2025.  

Project Description

The project proposal is to conduct a comprehensive study and implement some improvements at Denny Blaine Park with the goal to: 

  • Enhance multimodal transportation (walking, biking, driving, and transit) access
  • Improve accessibility
  • Study the feasibility of restrooms
  • Improve signage
  • Provide basic park upgrades such as new trash cans, seating, improved landscaping, and other basic park infrastructure.

Small improvements will be made with the remainder of the funds and may include items such as trash cans, signs, benches, and accessible pathways. Denny Blaine Park serves as a vital space for many of Seattle's communities, particularly the LGBTQ+ and nudist communities and these improvements will ensure equitable access for all park users. 

In addition to the Park CommUNITY Fund project, Seattle Parks and Recreation will be installing handrails on the steps down to the water by Summer 2025. This is to address a critical safety concern.   


Site Analysis and Predesign: Beginning January 2025 
Planning: 2025 
Design and Permitting:  2026 
Construction: 2027 


The Seattle Park District provided $400,000 for this project through the Park CommUNITY Fund. 

Community Participation

Stay tuned for more information about our first engagement opportunity. We anticipate this meeting to be in the spring of 2025.  

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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