Regulatory Reform

Project Outcomes

Regulatory reforms addressed several topics, which provided new code flexibility:

  • Streamlining environmental review with higher regulatory requirements in Urban Centers and certain Urban Villages
  • Providing greater ability to mix residential uses in the ground floor of commercial zones
  • Expanding opportunities for accessory dwelling units such as backyard cottages
  • More parking flexibility for home-based businesses
  • Easier permit renewals for temporary uses

Key Milestones

  • July 2012
    City Council adopted Ordinance 123939
  • March 2011
    City Council adopted Resolution 31282, establishing guiding principles for strengthening and growing Seattle's economy and creating jobs

Project Purpose

These proposals are intended to carry out Resolution 31282 and the Seattle Jobs Plan. The reform continues to help people weather the recent recession in three important ways:

  1. Get people back to work — encourage entrepreneurship and new business development
  2. Promote flexibility in the Land Use Code to foster innovation, improve efficiency, and eliminate unnecessary delay in permitting
  3. Jumpstart new housing opportunities — encourages new investment in affordable housing

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

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The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.