Impact Fees

Impact fees are one-time charges on new development to fund new public capital facilities. Cities can charge impact fees for transportation, parks and recreation, schools, and/or fire facilities. Currently, the City of Seattle does not charge any impact fees.

In 2015, a City working group began studying the possibility of using impact fees as part of a comprehensive strategy for funding key City priorities. The working group developed the Impact Fee Policy Assessment and Work Plan Development Summary. Based on the findings in the summary, Council Central staff were given direction and funding to develop impact fees for transportation.

For information on Council's work to develop impact fees, visit:

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.