130th and 145th Station Area Planning

What's Happening Now?

We released Mayor Harrell’s updated Growth Strategy for the One Seattle Plan, along with detailed information on zoning changes and draft zoning maps for land use changes in neighborhoods across the city. The Growth Strategy includes two centers in the station area, the Pinehurst-Haller Lake Urban Center and the Victory Heights Neighborhood Center. This proposal, available for your review and comment, will advance the vision contained in the 130th and 145th Station Area Plan for vibrant, mixed-use centers with great transit.

This release kicks off a two-month public comment period on the zoning legislation and maps that will run through December 20. We have planned engagement events, including info sessions in every Council District. The District 5 info session will be at Nathan Hale High School on Wednesday November 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Maps and more information about the zoning proposal and how to comment can be found on our One Seattle Plan website.

What's Next?

In December 2024, the Mayor will send the Comprehensive Plan, including formal designation of the two centers, to City Council. City Council will review, amend and adopt the plan by June 2025.

Faster and more frequent transit service is coming to North Seattle. The 130th & 145th Station Area Planning is an opportunity for the community to come together and create a vision for the area surrounding the future light rail and bus rapid transit stations.

The City of Seattle initiated this planning process to engage City departments, public agencies and the community to consider what changes this regional investment may bring and how it can benefit current and future residents, as well as those working and enjoying recreation in the area.

The term "station area" typically refers to the area around a light rail station that is accessible within a 10 minute walk. On flat terrain, this roughly correlates to a half-mile walk. The area around a bus rapid transit station is smaller, a five minute walk or roughly a quarter mile. We will also study a larger area to understand how the new stations can be accessible by bus, bike, and cars.

Station area planning does not address the design, construction or operation of light rail alignments, stations or service. Learn more about Sound Transit's system expansion.

Project Goals

Working closely with the community, the City will draft and adopt a plan to implement the community vision.

  • Plan for future changes, services and other opportunities near the stations.
  • Design sidewalks, bikeways and street improvements to make it easy to walk or bike to the station.
  • Coordinate and prioritize City investments to achieve multiple benefits.
  • Improve the capacity of the neighborhood to advocate for community goals.

Current Engagement Opportunities

Past Engagement Opportunities

A community meeting on July 2022 gave an overview of the topics and draft alternatives and to answer questions about the 130th and 145th Station Area EIS.

Draft Station Area Plan (March 2021)

Online Community Conversations (Summer and Fall 2020)

Community Open House (March 2019)

Community and Online Workshop (September 28 - November 16, 2019)

One Seattle Plan

  • Early Outreach (2022)
  • Draft One Seattle released (March 5, 2024)
  • Final Plan sent to City Council (Fall 2024)
  • City Council reviews and adopts (Fall 2024)

Environmental Review

  • Scoping (Fall 2022)
  • Draft EIS Released (March 7, 2024)
  • Final EIS (Fall 2024)

Zoning Legislation

  • Legislation sent to City Council (Winter 2025)
  • City Council reviews and adopts (Spring 2025)

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

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The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.