About Seattle Sister Cities

Seattle is proud to be a leader in promoting and developing sister city relationships with many international communities. Our program has a strong 60 year history of connecting Seattlites to the world and shaping Seattle's global image. Each of our sister cities is organized by a separate sister city association, which is a 501(c)(3). Each nonprofit organizes programs, activities, and cultural exchanges with local Seattle members and friends around the world. The City Council passed a resolution in 1996 adopting a moratorium on new Sister City affiliations due to limited City resources. The moratorium allows us to support the quality of our existing Sister City programs.

Sister Cities International

Sister Cities International Logo

In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded Sister Cities International which, serves as the national membership organization for over 570 sister cities, counties, and states across the United States with relationships in 2,300 communities in 150 countries. This sister city network unites citizen diplomats and volunteers who work tirelessly to promote peace and understanding through programs and projects focusing on education, youth, arts and culture, and humanitarian assistance. In 2016, Sister Cities International is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

Intergovernmental Relations

Mina Hashemi, Director
Address: 600 4th Ave, 5th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 94746, Seattle, WA, 98124-4746
Phone: (206) 684-0213

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