Oil-to-Electric (Clean Heat) Program

$24,000 average annual savings
Time to apply
30-40 mins
Processing time
Age range
All Ages
Call or email to apply


If you currently heat your home using an oil furnace, then you're aware of the increasing costs associated with this heating system. Through the Oil-to-Electric program, our goal is to help lower your home's energy usage and reduce your utility costs by converting your oil furnace to an electric heating system. The Office of Housing receives funds from federal, state, and local sources to provide these improvements for FREE.

If youre eligible for our program, improvements could include:

  • Oil-to-electric heated furnace conversion.
  • Oil tank decommission.
  • General health and safety inspections.

Additionally, you may automatically qualify for improvements through our Weatherization Program after participating in the Oil-to-Electric program.

How much can I save with this program?

With this program, you can expect to save an average of $24,000 annually.


You are eligible if you:

  • Live in Seattle city limits or are a Seattle City Light customer.
  • Eligibility will depend on income. The program has different income eligibility thresholds depending on the heat source (electricity, gas, or oil) and whether the housing is renter- or owner-occupied.

        For more information, view the Weatherization and Home Repair Limits.

How to Apply

Download Weatherization / Oil-to-Electric Application Form

Clean Heat services are provided through federal, state, and local utility funding. All Clean Heat work is contracted and managed by the HomeWise Program and is FREE of charge for eligible households. Before applying, see if you are eligible for the Clean Heat Program by viewing the Income Limits page.

To apply to our program:

  1. Download our application, then mail us a completed copy.

    Seattle Office of Housing 
    Attn: Weatherization Applications
    PO Box 94725
    Seattle, WA, 98124-4725

  2. If you cannot print out the application, call or email our team to request that a physical application be mailed to you.
    • Email Instructions: In your message, please tell us your property address, what kind of heating system you have, and if you’re a recipient of a letter from the Office of Housing or another agency.

After you submit your application

If you are eligible, you will receive a phone call to schedule a time for a comprehensive home energy audit conducted by a trained and certified HomeWise Property Rehabilitation Specialist. Our Specialist will identify potential energy-saving, health, and safety measures to be completed on your home during the audit. Then, our team will select and manage a private contractor to perform the work. After you apply and get approved, you can leave the rest to our team!

Additional Applicant Forms

Download Client Information

Learn More

Electrically heated homes have a variety of benefits, especially when it comes to your health and safety. Here are a few reasons why you should consider switching from oil to electric heat:

  • Affordability: The price of oil fluctuates and tends to increase over time. By converting to an electrically heated home, you can save up to 40% on your regular heating costs, which will lower your energy bills and save you more money.
  • Healthier Air Quality: Gas furnaces emit toxic pollutants that can cause or worsen respiratory illnesses, such as asthma. Heat pumps automatically filter the air and reduce the number of allergens entering your home.
  • Reduce your Environmental Impact: Over time, heating oil contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption.
  • Less Maintenance: Heat pumps don’t require fuel and have lower maintenance requirements. Oil furnaces require regular maintenance, such as cleaning and filter replacement, which adds to the overall cost of ownership.
  • Air Conditioning: In addition to heating your home, your new heat pump system will come with a cooling feature. No more hot Seattle summers!
  • Safety & Reliability: Most older thermostats that control the temperature of oil-heated furnaces contain mercury, which is a poisonous material. Additionally, older thermostats don’t usually give the correct temperature and have shorter heating cycles.

Disclaimer: Only homeowners or renters living within Seattle jurisdiction and/or Seattle City Light territory may apply.

Existing clients of the Oil-to-Electric (Clean Heat) Program can find program materials in the Client Education Binder.


HomeWise Team
Email: Healthyhome@seattle.gov
Phone: (206) 684-0244



Maiko Winkler-Chin, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94725, Seattle, WA , 98124-4725
Phone: (206) 684-0721
Fax: (206) 233-7117

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