Data and Reports

Under Seattle's Energy Benchmarking law, the City shares building data with the public annually. Transparency of Seattle's largest building's energy use helps drive the market to reward energy efficiency and create a continuous cycle of improvement and demand for high-performing buildings. To track overall trends in performance, the program produces occasional analysis reports and publishes data on the Energy Benchmarking Map and on Explore the data and reports below. 

How Does Your Building Stack Up?

Seattle's interactive mapping tool allows you to explore the energy and climate impact of Seattle's largest non-residential and multifamily buildings. Click on any building subject to the benchmarking requirements to view a snapshot of that building's performance.

Search for a building on the map

Screenshot of Interactive Benchmarking Map

Click "View the Building Report"

Screenshot of Benchmarking Report Example

Each building report provides a basic summary of the building, compare energy use per square foot to similar buildings, summarize its climate impact, and track how a building performs over time after adjusting for weather. 

Analysis Reports

Summary analysis reports have been periodically published to communicate early implementation results from Seattle's benchmarking law. Key performance indicators are annually updated to track changes in the performance of benchmarked buildings. Past reports are available for reference below. 

Download Building Data

Detailed benchmarked building performance data is now available for eight consecutive years (2015 through 2022) through the City of Seattle's Open Data portal where users can download, sort, or filter the data. The data we publish comes in two primary formats:

A full dataset of all buildings required to report for a given year, including building characteristics, energy and emissions data, and compliance information.

2022 Building Data 

2021 Building Data

2020 Building Data

2019 Building Data

2018 Building Data

2017 Building Data

2016 Building Data

2015 Building Data


Help Desk - |  (206) 727-8484

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Sustainability and Environment

Jessyn Farrell, Director
Address: 700 5th Avenue, #1868, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone: (206) 256-5158

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