Gender Justice Project

The Gender Justice Project is a City of Seattle effort to create an inclusive workplace and city. We seek to end gender and race based inequities in the City workforce and in City policies, programs and service delivery. The project envisions a city where a person’s gender, gender identity, and race will no longer determine the ability to earn a living wage, access to housing, or the ability to achieve healthy life outcomes.

Lulu - Right to be proud.

The Gender Justice Project seeks to lift the entire community by using targeted strategies that center those most marginalized to achieve universal outcomes for all. We work in partnership with the Seattle Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI). The Gender Justice Project is housed within the Seattle Office for Civil Rights.


The Gender Justice Project works to advance policy solutions that promote equity.

All-Gender Restrooms
Paid Parental Leave
Workforce Equity
Gender Equity Pay Task Force 
Guidance on Gender Identity in the Workplace

Education, Awareness, and Training

The Gender Justice Project aims to inform the public about their rights and responsibilities under Seattle’s Human Rights Ordinances, as well as increase awareness and understanding among Seattle’s diverse communities.

Our work includes the development and implementation of training that will guarantee City staff understand how to work with transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. The City has 10,000 employees who engage daily with Seattle residents and other customers. Our goal is to support City staff in providing the best in customer service by ensuring inclusivity is a part of every interaction.

LGBTQ Visibility Campaign
Gender Pronouns

Civil Rights

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The Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) works to advance civil rights and end barriers to equity. We enforce laws against illegal discrimination in employment, housing, public places, and contracting within Seattle.