Civil Service Commission (CSC)
City employees provide a range of important municipal services including production of electrical power, transportation, utilities, parks facilities and programming, emergency response, and more. The public entrusts the City to employ and retain a workforce to competently provide these services.
Seattle voters established a civil service system in 1896 to ensure that employees providing municipal services are qualified to carry out their duties, and that employment is free from political pressures by elected officials. A civil service approach to public employment supports the continuity of services for residents and visitors, and ensures fairness for employees.
Today, the civil service system for non-public safety personnel is overseen by the Civil Service Commission (“CSC”). The CSC is housed in the Civil Service Commissions department (“CIV”).
The CSC is an independent body charged with the oversight of the non-public safety civil service system, authorized by the Seattle City Charter.
The CSC is comprised of three commissioners that can serve multiple three-year terms. The Mayor and the City Council each appoint one commissioner, and the third commissioner is elected by the members of the civil service (City employees).
Additional information about CSC Commissioners can be found at the CSC Commissioners and Staff web page.
The CSC oversees a civil service system to ensure that municipal employment is grounded in merit and insulated from political pressure in hiring. CSC oversight includes:
- Conducting quasi-judicial hearings on alleged Personnel Rule violations, including employee appeals of suspensions, terminations, and demotions, and other violations of the Personnel Ordinance.
- Addressing allegations of political patronage in hiring and promotion, via investigation and public hearing.
- Making recommendations regarding administration of the personnel system to policymakers.
- Educating new and current employees, HR staff, unions and departments about civil service rights and processes.
The CSC conducts its business in monthly meetings that are open to the public. A meeting schedule and related materials can be found at our Monthly and Special Meetings web page.
Most regular City employees are members of the civil service and served by the Commission.
- Some classifications (types of jobs/positions) are not covered by the civil service, including appointed positions, Assistant City Attorneys, positions in the Executive series.
- Employees of the Seattle Public Library and temporary employees are not covered by the civil service.
- A comprehensive list of exempt positions can be found in the Seattle Municipal Code, SMC 4.13- Exemptions from Civil Service.
Employees are encouraged to contact their HR staff or CSC staff at to confirm their civil service status.