City Council Alphabetical Listing

The following list includes all of Seattle's City Council Members in alphabetical order with the dates each member served. Either use the scroll bar to move down the list or select the corresponding letter below for to locate a specific Council Member.



Name Dates
Abrams, Robert 1873-1874, 1878-1879
Alexander, Paul J. 1956-1969
Anderson, Alexander 1894-1896
Anderson, J.S. 1873-1874
Andrews, L.B. 1871-1873
Andrews, S.P. 1871-1872
Armstrong, J.T. 1907-1910
Bagley, H.B. 1879-1880
Bagley, Clarence B. 1890-1892
Bagshaw, Sally 2010-2019
Barker, W.W. 1876-1877
Barnes, W.H.T. 1890-1892
Barton, A.L. 1890-1892
Baxter, S. 1878-1879
Bell, William N. 1876-1877
Benjamin, Scott 1900-1902, 1904-1906
Benson, George 1973-1993
Best, Ted 1968-1971
Blaine, E.L. 1910-1913, 1922-1931
Blake, J.G. 1900-1902
Bogardus, W.H. 1890-1892
Bohlke, H.C. 1910-1911
Bolton, T.H. 1915-1921
Bown, D.W. 1904-1908
Brace, John S. 1892-1894
Braman, J.D. (Dorm) 1954-1964
Brewer, J.F. 1892-1896
Briggs, B.F. 1874-1875
Brown, Amos 1869-1872
Bruskevith, Harry 1913-1914
Bullock, J.W. 1910-1911
Burgess, Tim 2008-2017
Burnett, Jr., C.H. 1904-1908
Burns, F.J. 1888-1889
Byers, Alpheus 1900-1902
Calhoun, S.G. 1869-1870
Calligan, Robert H. 1885-1886, 1892-1893
Campbell, W.T. 1924-1929
Carle, Thomas J. 1892-1894
Carlisle, S.S. 1893-1894
Carroll, Charles M. 1950-1971
Carroll, James E. 1933-1934
Carroll, John E. 1919-1936, 1938-1945
Case, Otto 1926-1933
Castleman, H.W. 1898-1900
Chapman, William 1894-1898
Chapman, Bruce K. 1971-1975
Chilberg, Andrew 1878-1879
Choe, Martha 1992-1999
Chong, Charlie 1997
Chow, Cheryl 1990-1997
Clancy, Charles F. 1882-1883, 1884-1885
Clancy, Thomas 1876-1877, 1878-1880, 1881-1882, 1883-1884
Clark, Sally 2006-2015
Clise, H.R. 1894-1896
Cohen, A. Lou 1921-1924, 1927-1930
Cole, Irving T. 1904-1906
Collins, John 1869-1870, 1874-1875, 1880-1883
Compton, Jim 1999-2006
Compton, H.F. 1894-1896
Conlin, Richard 1998-2013
Conway, James 1904-1911
Cook, M.J. 1892-1894
Cooley, George R. 1914-1915
Cooley, George E. 1970-1973
Coombs, S.F. 1871-1873
Coryell, George K. 1892
Cosper, O.F. 1882-1883
Cotterill, Roland W. 1918-1919
Coulter, C.W. 1886-1887
Cowden, Charles 1890-1892
Cox, E.F. 1884-1885
Cram, C.A. 1892-1894
Crawford, William 1898-1900
Crichton, James E. 1892-1908
Crichton, Stuart 1873-1874
Crockett, S.D. 1885
Dale, C. Allen 1914-1917
Daulton, Theodore M. 1892-1896, 1904-1906
Davis, W.H. 1890-1892
Day, B.F. 1883-1884
DeLacy, Hugh 1937-1940
Della, David 2004-2007
Denney, J.N. 1910-1911
Denny, David T. 1890-1892
Denny, Arthur A. 1877-1879
Densmore, M. 1880-1882
Diller, Leonard 1898-1900
Dodds, Robert J. 1896-1898
Donaldson, Sue 1990-1999
Drago, Jan 1994-2009
Drake, A.T. 1919-1922, 1924
Drew, Thomas F. 1892-1894
Durie, David E. 1888-1891
Eckmann, Ray 1964-1967, 1969
Edwards, Myrtle 1955-1969
Erickson, Oliver T. 1911-1924, 1925-1931
Farnham, E.G. 1874-1875
Fitts, Frank F. 1932-1935
Fitzgerald, C.B. 1914-1919, 1921-1924
Fitzpatrick, Patrick 1902-1904
Frink, J.M. 1886-1888
Frye, George F. 1884-1885
Furry, G.W. 1890-1892
Furth, Jacob 1885-1888
Gaines, W.A. 1934-1935
Galle, Virginia 1981-1989
Gasch, Fred 1882-1883
Gatzert, Bailey 1872-1873, 1877-1878
Gill, Hiram C. 1898-1900, 1902-1910
Gilson, George 1896-1898
Gleason, James 1894-1896
Goddard, A.J. 1892-1894, 1908-1910, 1911-1915
Godden, Jean 2004-2015
Gonzalez, Lorena 2015-2021
Goodhue, Franklin 1894-1896
Graham, Walter 1885
Green, Joseph 1886-1888
Griffiths, Austin E. 1911-1914, 1934-1937
Haas, A.F. 1911-1921
Hall, George W. 1875-1878, 1885-1886, 1888-1891
Hall, J.M. 1875-1876
Hamley, Frederick G. 1935-1938
Hanford, Frank 1890-1892
Hanna, W.H. 1915-1917
Harlin, Robert H. 1929-1931, 1933-1941, 1945-1956
Harrell, Bruce 2008-2019
Harrington, W.A. 1884-1886
Harris, Sherry 1992-1995
Harris, George 1883-1884
Harris-Talley, Kirsten 2017
Hart, Volly P. 1910-1911
Hart, Charles 1890-1892
Hawthorne, W.C. 1879-1880
Herbold, Lisa 2016-2023
Herrman, Ezra 1896-1898
Hesketh, Robert B. 1911-1928
Hildt, Michael 1978-1985
Hill, Homer 1898-1900
Hill, George W. 1929-1932
Hill,Tim 1968-1979
Hinckley, T.D. 1874-1875, 1886-1887
Hines, William M. 1907-1910
Holbrook, F.W.D. 1890-1892
Hollingsworth, Joy 2024-present
Hull, Alonzo 1890-1891
Humes, Samuel J. 1938-1941
Hurd, F.H. 1894-1898, 1906-1910
Hyde, D.N. 1870-1871
Ingraham, H.C. 1890-1894
Jackson, H.F. 1908-1910
James, J.A. 1894-1904
Jennings, William 1880-1882
Johnson, Rob 2016-2019
Johnston, James 1904-1906
Jones, R.W. 1890-1892
Jones, Bob 1940-1962
Jones, T.E. 1888-1890
Jordan, J. Eugene 1892-1896
Jordan, J.T. 1870-1871, 1872-1873
Juarez, Debora 2016-2023
Keene, Albert G. 1906-1908
Keenen, John 1881-1882, 1883-1884, 1885-1886
Keeser, Moses 1881-1882
Kellogg, J.C. 1874-1875
Kellogg, James Y.C. 1910-1912
Kelso, James 1906-1908
Kenney, Samuel 1876-1878
Kettle, Bob 2024-present
King, A.H. 1879-1880
Kistler, Abraham 1894-1896, 1902-1904
Kittinger, George 1890-1892
Kloeber, J.S. 1892-1894
Korn, Moses 1890-1892
Kraabel, Paul 1975-1991, 1996
Kramer, A.L. (Lud) 1962-1964
Krug, Adolph 1890-1892
Lake, T.W. 1885-1888
Lamphere, Phyllis 1968-1978
Landes, Bertha K. 1922-1926
Lane, W.D. 1917-1920, 1928-1929
Langlie, Arthur B. 1935-1938
Lansing, G.V.P. 1890-1892
Larkin, Wayne D. 1970-1977
Latimer, W.M. 1884-1885
Laube, Frank J. 1930-1954
Leary, John 1873-1874, 1875-1877
Levine, David 1931-1935, 1936-1962
Lewis, Andrew 2020-2023
Licata, Nick 1998-2015
Little, F.N. 1894-1896
Lockwood, David E. 1934-1937
Lovejoy, M.W. 1894-1896
Luke, Wing 1962-1965
Lundy, Ira 1913-1916
Lyon, J.M. 1872-1873, 1892-1894
Maddocks, Moses R. 1872-1873, 1874-1875
Manning, G.L. 1882-1883
Manning, John 1996-1997
Marble, Charles 1912-1916
Massart, Clarence 1950-1967
Matthias, Frank 1869-1873, 1877-1878, 1884
McArdle, William 1896-1900
McCaffrey, Frank 1942-1944
McDonald, J.F. 1888-1889
McDonald, Charles 1874-1875, 1880-1884, 1885-1886
McIver, Richard 1997-2009
McKenzie, Donald A. 1890-1891
McKinley, James 1873-1874
McKinnon, Alexander 1908-1910
Meydenbauer, William 1873-1874
Miller, Amasa S. 1878-1880, 1890
Miller, Floyd C. 1956-1969
Miller, Leander 1890-1891, 1892-1896
Miller, John R. 1972-1979
Miracle, Kathryn 1922-1925
Misener, Roy B. 1932-1934
Mitchell, M.B. (Mike) 1941-1969
Moore, C.W. 1871-1871, 1876-1877
Moore, Cathy 2024-present
Moore, William Hickman 1916-1922, 1924-1930
Morales, Tammy 2020-2025
Moran, Robert 1887-1888
Morford, R. 1890-1892
Morrison, Ellis 1902-1904, 1906-1908
Mosqueda, Teresa 2017-2023
Muldoon, Frank M. 1890-1892, 1898-1902
Mullen, F.P. 1902-1911
Murphy, Benjamin 1875-1876, 1877-1879
Murphy, William H. 1900-1910
Nation, John 1879-1881
Navin, Thomas 1896-1902
Nelson, Sara 2022-present
Nicastro, Judy 2000-2003
Nichols, Ralph D. 1924-1927, 1931-1934
Niesz, Uriah R. 1887-1891
Noland, Jane 1986-1997
Northrup, B.L. 1883-1885
Norton, William L. 1937-1950
O'Brien, Mike 2010-2019
O'Brien, Terrence 1888-1889
Okamoto, John 2015
Ormsby, Ann 1973
Pacheco, Abel 2019
Pageler, Margaret 1992-2003
Parish, Thomas A. 1913
Parker, Alfred E. 1908-1910
Parry, Will H. 1900-1904
Pedersen, Alex 2019-2023
Peirce, J.G. 1911-1914
Phillips, Henry F. 1889-1891
Pinkham, A.S. 1869-1870
Piper, A.W. 1877-1878
Podlodowski, Tina 1996-1999
Pontius, Frank A. 1890-1892
Post, J.J. 1885-1886
Powell, Mildred 1935-1955
Ranko, Otto 1883-1884
Rasin, V.M. 1880-1881, 1882-1884
Rasmussen, Tom 2004-2015
Raymond, George 1896-1898
Redwood, J.C. 1902-1904
Reitze, Charles F. 1886-1889
Revelle, Randy 1974-1981
Revelle, Thomas P. 1906-1911
Revelle, Paul 1941-1942
Reynolds, R.T. 1906-1908
Rice, Norm B. 1979-1989
Richards, Jack 1980-1983
Riley, Edward 1965-1967
Rinck, Alexis Mercedes 2024-present
Rinehart, W.V. 1884-1885, 1898-1904
Rivera, Maritza 2024-present
Robbins, J.R. 1875-1876
Rochester, Alfred R. 1944-1956
Rogers, Kenneth 1971
Rude, H.P. 1896-1906
Rudy, D.G. 1896-1898
Russell, R. 1886-1888
Ryan, T. 1892-1893
Saka, Rob 2024-present
Sawant, Kshama 2014-2023
Sawyer, Frederick 1906-1911
Scavotto, James 1930-1933, 1935-1950
Schlumpf, Joseph 1910-1911
Schmitz, Ferdinand 1907-1908
Settle, Josiah 1870-1871, 1875-1876
Shields, H.E. 1893-1894
Shipley, S.M. 1890-1892
Shorey, O.C. 1870-1871
Sibonga, Dolores 1978, 1980-1991
Smith, Sam 1968-1991
Snyder, W.A. 1890-1892
Snyder, Alfred 1884-1885
Sparkman, J.M. 1908-1910
Steinbrueck, Peter 1997-2007
Steiner, F.S. 1911
Stetson, G.W. 1879-1881
Stocks, G.B. 1893-1894
Stone, Corliss P. 1869-1872
Strauss, Dan 2020-present
Street, Jim 1984-1995
Sweeney, John P. 1890-1896
Taylor, John 1896-1904
Thomson, Reginald Heber 1916-1922
Tindall, Philip 1920-1932
Tuai, Liem Eng 1969-1973
Twichell, Frank 1889-1890
Vincent, W.H. 1900-1902
Voight, William 1894-1896
Waddell, Isaiah 1873-1874, 1875-1876
Wald, F.W. 1890-1892
Wallingford, John N. 1889-1891
Wardall, Max 1908-1914
Way, Eugene W. 1908-1911
Weaver, W.H. 1908-1911
Webster, V.C. 1931-1934
Weeks, Tom 1990-1996
Whetzel, Jonathan 1977
White, Harry 1889-1890
Wilcox, F.N. 1890-1892
Williams, Jeanette 1970-1989
Willis, M.W. 1890-1892
Wills, Heidi 2000-2003
Wolfe, John M. 1892, 1910-1911
Woo, Tanya 2024
Wright, Don 1969
Wusthoff, F.W. 1883-1884
Wyckoff, L.V. 1869-1870
Yesler, Henry L. 1884-1885
Young, G.W. 1885-1886
Zbinden, Arnold 1904-1911

Municipal Archives, City Clerk

Jeanie Fisher, Interim City Archivist
Address: 600 Fourth Avenue, Third Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728
Phone: (206) 684-8353

The Office of the City Clerk maintains the City's official records, provides support for the City Council, and manages the City's historical records through the Seattle Municipal Archives. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff.