
A new Freeholders Charter was adopted in 1890 which increased the number of wards to eight and created a bicameral City Council, composed of a Board of Aldermen and a House of Delegates. The nine-member Board of Aldermen was elected at large to four-year terms. The House of Delegates was composed of two members elected from each of the City's eight wards. At the first election after adoption of the amendment, eight members of the House of Delegates and all members of the Board of Aldermen were elected. At the 1892 General Election, the remaining eight members of the House were elected.

House of Delegates (elected by ward)

M.W. Willis
Charles Hart
Frank M. Muldoon
R. Morford
R.W. Jones
S.M. Shipley
George Kittinger
A.A. Barton
Frank Hanford
G.V.P. Lansing
W.H.T. Barnes
Adolph Krug
Charles Cowden
W.H. Davis
G.W. Furry
Clarence B. Bagley

Board of Aldermen (elected at large)

George W. Hall (President)
David T. Denny
Amasa S. Miller (President)
John P. Sweeney
Moses Korn
F.N. Wilcox
W.A. Snyder
W.H. Bogardus
F.W. Wald
Henry C. Ingram
Frank A. Pontius
F.W.D. Holbrook

  • Mayor Harry White resigned November 30, 1891 because of poor health and Hall was elected by the Board and House to fill White's unexpired term. David T. Denny was appointed December 15, 1891 to fill Hall's vacant seat. Amasa Miller was elected president of the Board.
  • Miller and Wald resigned December 15, 1891; Sweeney and Ingraham were elected by the Board to fill the vacancies.

The City Charter was amended in 1892. It increased the number of wards to nine and provided that one member of each house be elected from each of the City's wards.

House of Delegates

Thomas F. Drew
Matthew J. Cook
Timothy Ryan
S.S. Carlisle
Robert H. Calligan
H.E. Shields
J.M. Lyon
J.S. Kloeber (President)
John S. Brace
James E. Crichton
George K. Coryell
A.J. Goddard

  • Coryell resigned May 19, 1892; Goddard was appointed on the same day to fill the vacancy.
  • Ryan resigned January 10, 1893 to become Street Commissioner. He was succeeded by Carlisle who took office on January 13.
  • Calligan resigned in April, 1893; Shields was appointed to the vacancy.

Board of Aldermen

John F. Brewer
Thomas J. Carle
Chauncey A. Cram
Theodore M. Daulton
J. Eugene Jordan
John P. Sweeney (President)
Leander Miller (President)
Henry C. Ingram
John M. Wolfe
George B. Stocks

  • Wolfe resigned December 20, 1892 to become a member of the Board of Public Works. Stocks was appointed on July 19, 1893 to fill the vacancy.

House of Delegates

William Chapman
James Gleason
Franklin Goodhue
F.H. Hurd
J.A. James
Abraham Kistler
F.N. Little
William Voight
James E. Crichton (President)

Board of Aldermen

J.F. Brewer
Alexander Anderson
H.R. Clise
Theodore M. Daulton (President)
J. Eugene Jordan
John P. Sweeney
Leander Miller (President)
H.F. Compton
M.W. Lovejoy

Municipal Archives, City Clerk

Jeanie Fisher, Interim City Archivist
Address: 600 Fourth Avenue, Third Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94728, Seattle, WA, 98124-4728
Phone: (206) 684-8353

The Office of the City Clerk maintains the City's official records, provides support for the City Council, and manages the City's historical records through the Seattle Municipal Archives. The Clerk's Office provides information services to the public and to City staff.