Contact Us
Street Address:
City Hall
600 Fourth Avenue
Third Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
City Hall
600 Fourth Avenue
Third Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Mailing Address:
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA 98124-4728
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA 98124-4728
What's New
- A new online exhibit celebrates the first 20 years of Seattle's Race and Social Justice Initiative, the first city program of its kind in the US.
- Our new Digital Document Library highlights how the history of homelessness in Seattle can be traced through city records.
- Listen to audio testimony from a 1983 meeting about the City's P-Patch program in our newest Seattle Voices.
- Watch short videos highlighting some of our favorite items from the SMA collections.
- The Winter 2024 issue of the Archives Gazette is now available, with news about SMA programs and projects, highlights from the collection, and more.
- Check out our e-learning courses to learn more about SMA and how to search and access our collections.
- Our latest Find of the Month features a proposal to fire all married women working for the city.