City Light's Business Customer Services team offers dedicated account management for large commercial and industrial businesses, government agencies, the education sector, hospitals, and managed care facilities.
Your Business Customer Services Manager assigned to your account can help you with the following:
- Strategic planning for long-term capital improvement projects
- Navigating utility services, incentives, and resources for your business needs
- Understanding consumption trends and assisting with forecasting and budgeting
- Outage management and planning
- Billing issues and rate questions
In addition, our Business Customer Service Managers are always looking ahead to:
- Represent your business with City and Utility leaders on issues of policy, business practices, and strategic planning efforts.
- Understand your future growth and energy needs and work with the utility to ensure power and distribution requirements are met.
- Keep you informed on how local, regional, and national trends in energy and the utility industry can affect your business.
For general questions, contact us
Find your Key Customer Manager
Hospitals, Education
Dan Langdon
(206) 418-9750
Franchise Cities
Delcina Lal
(206) 684-3671
Industrial, Manufacturing, Maritime, Port of Seattle, King County Wastewater
Andrew Gibb
(206) 256-5254
Data Centers, Large Commercial Properties, Entertainment, Large Property Managers, Real Estate Developers
Austin Coover
(206) 684-3628
* Multifamily Residential Property Owners, please contact (206) 684-3000 for assistance.
Nursing Homes, Low Income Housing, Hotels, Communications, Retail
Bahiru Egziabiher
(206) 684-3762
Government, Transportation, Technology
Oradoña Landgrebe
(206) 684-0722
Track Your Energy Usage
Our Seattle Meter Watch application enables you to track your facility's electrical use and costs in 15-minute intervals. It can help you identify patterns and problems and understand how best to cut costs. This service is available to large and high demand rate customers, and medium rate customers in the downtown core.
Seattle Meter Watch
Bahiru Egziabiher
(206) 684-3762